2 June 2015

Beach Bag Essentials

Twenty Two days and I will be in Cuba...

Which means over the next few weeks I'm going to share with you my top tips on holiday organisation. The organisation behind going on holiday gets me weirdly excited, I can't get enough of making lists, holiday shopping and packing!! I've probably tipped over the edge recently because at the weekend I went holiday shopping, so now I'm in proper holiday mode!

Anyway, this could work two ways. I'm going to either annoy the hell out of you with holiday talk, if yours is a million miles away. Or, I'm going to help those of you who are useless at being organised and just want to be sunbathing on the beach already.

1. Beach bag - otherwise where else are you going to put all your shiz? 
I got this cute shell one from H&M for £8.

2. Waterproof case - for either your phone or camera that you'd rather
 not get wet by the side of the pool.

3. Sunglasses - Duh? Just make sure they have UV protection.

4. Jelly Shoes - Especially if you're on the beach (and freak out when your feet
 touch the bottom of the sea, like me!) to protect you tootsies from the stones and
 rubble at the bottom of the sea.

5. Towel - For obvious reasons!

6. A good book - I can't just lay for hours in the sun and do nothing - I like 
to be kept entertained with a good book!

7. Sun protection - Look after your skin. If you have fair toned skin like me, red hair... 
You burn like a b**** and that ain't fun. Make sure it's waterproof too, 
I can't stand longer than 20 minutes in the sun without jumping in the pool to refresh.

8. A waboba water ball - These are the most entertaining things EVER, 
a ball that bounces on water! Warning: this game can get extremely addictive!

If you have anything else to add to my list, please write them in the comments! :)

Love, Laura x

29 May 2015

Garden Party Inspiration

My Birthday may not be until July 21st, but the party invites are already out! I love planning and birthday's, so when I combine the two I get freakishly excited. I've decided on a garden party and depending on whether I get round to purchasing a BBQ, one of those two! I imagine fairy lights, fabric bunting, jarred tea lights, picnic rugs and possibly a panda piƱata. 

To cut down on costs I really want to do some DIY, arty farty stuff. I'm going to make lace jarred tea lights using old jam jars and possibly some homemade bunting.

The other day I found the most amazing jar in Aldi, an 8 litre glass jar that dispenses cocktails. For under £10 I was over the moon! Let's face it, a couple of cocktail pitchers just ain't gonna cut it for a 21st Birthday!

So where does one go for inspiration? Pinterest of course...

Please let me know in the comments if you have any of your own DIY ideas...

Love, Laura x

27 May 2015

The Wednesday Post

I've missed my little blog. 

talknineteenofthedozen is back...

With a well edited instagram photo of Zara walking away from the beach.

I feel pretty impressed with my editing skills with this photo, I managed to make an average day in East Yorkshire look awesomely sunny. Who knew awesomely was a word? I half expected it to be underlined with a squiggly red line. Who knew?! I'm kind of disappointed now, I love creating new words!

 Yeah, sometimes I just type absolute crap.

Please leave your blog address' in the comments, I love to read them in my spare time!

I was just thinking what's Bye in Cuban? As in 4 weeks time, that's where I'm gonna be... *excitement* but in Cuba they speak Spanish... So, adios!

6 April 2015

My Easter in Pictures

I thought I'd return with a nice and easy post to get me back into the swing of things.
I've spent half of my bank holiday weekend being cheery and productive (eating chocolate) and the other half with tissues stuffed up my noise, feeling sorry for myself. I honestly don't know how it's possible to have so much snot come from one person's nose. All I can compare myself to is a tap. Drip, drip, drip. There's a nice image for you all. Even if I spend my last day off work watching a dozen episodes of Prison Break I'm definitely going to make the most of it. Enjoy the rest of your Easter!

Love, Laura 

3 January 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

Today I wanted to share my New Year's Resolutions. There's something more satisfying about physically typing them up and sharing them to other people. I don't know if it's the fact you feel more obliged to give them a proper go or that writing them down makes them feel more realistic. I don't know, but I am the kind of girl that loves writing list, so this I suppose is just another list. I think setting targets for the upcoming year is a great way to start feeling motivated and positive. So here are a few of my own... 

1. Do more of what makes me happy

2. Exersize at least twice a week (instead of wasting that £33 gym membership every month)

3. Spend more quality time with my mum

4. Stop overthinking everything

5. Drink more water

6. Start saving money and spend less on unnecessary rubbish

7. Schedule blogposts twice a week

8. Spare 30 minutes to read before bed

9. Start a scrapbook 

10. Stop clicking my fingers (it's gross!)

11. Try marmite

12. Respond less to negative people

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Love, Laura 